Monday, May 20, 2013

Exercise - Twenty Steps to Sketching and Painting Anywhere and Everywhere

I hear so any excuses for not drawing, for not painting, for not being in the right place for inspiration.  Bah!  I plug my ears.  Everywhere and Anywhere provides more than enough information, though maybe not inspiration, to draw and paint.  No more excuses!  Put on a pair of baggy pants with room in the pockets for a small sketchbook, a pen (or pencil) a waterbrush and a mini Altoid Tin with three pans of watercolor or gouache paint. That's all you need!

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Walk out your back door.... take twenty steps.... and draw.  Take twenty more steps .... and draw. Take twenty more steps .... and draw (paint, too).  Just do it!

Exercise - Twenty Steps to Sketching and Painting Anywhere and Everywhere

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